Saturday, November 18, 2006

Moral of the story is ....

And the moral of the story is ...

Too much of work/exertion/hectic-schedule leads to sardi_khasi_Bukhar !!!!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Last 22 hours: Bloomberg job.

November 9': Thursday.
I will always remember this day for the time to come.
Lets c,

November 8th:
*was preparing for da interview

*dint sleep until late night.

*so basically went to bed at about 1 30 am (November 9 ).

November 9th:
*Got up at 5 am.
*took 7 30 flight to NY.

*10AM: Lagaurdia Airport.

*Till 11:30AM: dawdling time at Airport/trying to go through my notes !!!! (Notes - really cant believe all notes !!!!)

*12:30 pm: Office.
(~~~ in the meantime, I was traveling and could actually see the hustle and bustle of the midtown...Manhattan!!!!~~~)

*1:30pm: interview begins.

*4 Pm: Three rounds of interviews complete..back to back
(~ I had a good time being there~ HR(30min) - Techni(1:15) - Stress-techni(1hour)

*4:30pm: out of office.(~ office --- mammoth proportions)
  Somewhere I feel: This is it.Looks like we are only waiting for an offer letter now.
  To celebrate or to keep this memory I went to Blomingdales and purchased a hoodie with NYC logo on it ! as cheesy as it sounds, I really really want to look back in time and remember this day and this very hoodie will be my memorbilia.

*Till 6:30pm: ITs all about Manhattan !!!

*7:30pm: Flight, Lagaurdia(NY) - Charlotte(NC).

*10pm: Charlotte(NC) - Columbia(SC)...bole to home.

*12pm: at home.

*1:30pm: Sweet Dreams !!!!! (I seldom dream but neways )!!!!!
So its like nearly 22 hours of non-stop effort !!!!!

Current Song:So Sick of love songs, Ne-Yo.
Current Mood:Looking forward for the result :)

TOW da Offer :)

Scenario: I am stranded at WDC airport....waiting for my flight from DC - Austin.
Completely frustarted coz the next day I have my interview with AMD and that flight was gonna take me to Austin for the same. Only then my phone rings. (Area Code: 212)

Area Code sounds familiar coz thats where I had been expecting a call from. Yes its from NY....particularly from Manhattan.

Yeah....she went like this:

On da call: Hey M I talking to Mr. Nikhil Mahajan?
Me: Yeah, this is Nikhil.
ODC: Hey Nikhil, I would like to congratualte you for..BLAH BLAH...

Thank god.
I believe I am completely happy and satisfied with the Package/Offer/Company.

M Excited and Looking forward to join Bloomberg in Feb.
FEB" carries importance coz, that also gives me a chance to think about DES trip.

Howz that... ??

Thank you all for being there and for your wishes.

November 9 - 10th !!!! Manhattan

November 9': Thursday.
I will always remember this day for the time to come.
Lets c,

November 8th:
*was preparing for da interview

*dint sleep until late night.

*so basically went to bed at about 1 30 am (November 9 ).

November 9th:
*Got up at 5 am.
*took 7 30 flight to NY.

*10AM: Lagaurdia Airport.

*Till 11:30AM: dawdling time at Airport/trying to go through my notes !!!! (Notes - really cant believe all notes !!!!)

*12:30 pm: Office.
(~~~ in the meantime, I was traveling and could actually see the hustle and bustle of the midtown...Manhattan!!!!~~~)

*1:30pm: interview begins.

*4 Pm: Three rounds of interviews complete..back to back
(~ I had a good time being there~ HR(30min) - Techni(1:15) - Stress-techni(1hour)

*4:30pm: out of office.(~ office --- mammoth proportions)

*Till 6:30pm: ITs all about Manhattan baby!!!

*7:30pm: Flight, Lagaurdia(NY) - Charlotte(NC).

*10pm: Charlotte(NC) - Columbia(SC)...bole to home.

*12 midnight: at home.

*1:30pm: Sweet Dreams !!!!! (I seldom dream but neways )!!!!!
So its like nearly 22 hours of non-stop effort !!!!!

Current Song:So Sick of love songs, Ne-Yo.
Current Mood:Looking forward for the result :)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

TOW da weekend and Graduation

Its November' 11. Last week same day, same time I was sitting at this very same position with da same lapot in my lap :D but apparently things seem so different right now.

I was chatting with my friend and we were discussing something very important, something that could have been the reason for us to think bout our future and plan accordingly..............
forget it, we were discussing about songs, mostly english, including all genres and we were having a gala time :D That just shows how much free time we both had here at US.

Gosh...I cant even dream of doin that or for that matter anything that involves dawdling time away. One busy week has already passed and I believe lot is already in store for the coming weeks. Few assignments, Projects, Final terms, VolleyBall matches :P , and most important of all few onsite interviews.....few more busy weeks and then off we would be...

Anyways, "Graduation"----a near end of life in Columbia or should I say life at "CLIFF apartment, Strom Thurmond Fitness center, Blatt PE Fitness center, Apmnt Basement, Pantry, Russell House, Department, MM's Room/corridor, ........

* CLIFF: da place,our HOME, we did spend most of da time here. Well it was Room # 613 officially but if yu dont find me here then chk out #512, #313. We wud be sitting there ripping someone's skin off !!!!

*Strom, Blatt: da place where we spent more time thatn our Comp Sci Dept. It pretty much started with TableTennis. But we have already covered Soccer, Squash,Racket-Ball, Badminton, Lawn-Tennis, Volley-Ball, and most important and deeply coveted "GYM"

*Apmnt Basement: Well this is the place where we all hang out, when we are done with spending time at apartment or strom. Be it 7 am in da morning (no sleep all nite), or be it 3am with chilling wind blowing us of. I also remember those times when we had a good round of drinks and then came down, sat on stairs and all set to play "antakshari". Some great memories.

*Pantry: I wonder as to how this name was coined. Well I am talking about "Gas Station". Its a 3 min walk from our apartment. We have hardly been there for refueling our Car :D. Its mostly devoted to Coffee, Chips, and the best reason to be at pantry was/is spend time. We mostly go there for no reason!!!! its just about going out for a walk..

*Russell House: da most happening place on campus. Tha place where you can find free food (hehe) or for that matter anything that you can get "FREE", good concerts, cultural fests , and what not...we generally had a great time there, having food at Taco, BK....and yeah most importantly if you want to check out some southern beauty, then this is the place to be. I am pretty much sure that no where in the campus can you find such abundance of beauty with this density and intensity :P

*Department: not the place where we spend most of our time :D yeah definitely not. I have nearly attended all class rooms but just the first lecture of every course. Never even thought of attending more than 5 classes per course(I dont belive in class room teaching). Was thr for most of my tests and all related stuff but definitely not in class rooms. Offcourse you can find us sitting outside dept on da stairs again (desi style).

*MM's Room/corridor: If am in Dept, it either means I have a test or else be assured to find me infront of our dear Advisor's office. I personally(even my friends) have had a great experience with this guy. I will definitely make it a point to write a full story about this "nasty creature". Least to say, you are missing fun/sarcasm in life if you havent met him.


More to come soon....

Current Song: Look at this photograph -- (Nickelback- Photograph)
Current Mood: Nostalgia

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

TOW da NY trip again..

NY seems, THE place to be.
Not more than 8 days ago, I was at NY attending the job fair. It was a 48 hour non-stop
trip(definitely not a pleasure trip). Even tomorrow I am going to NY. This time its even less that the last one, this time its about 15 hours.

Lets c.
Next time I go to NY, I will spend atleast some years over there :) .
Atleast I wish.

Current Mood: Eagerly waiting :)
Current Song: Strangely no song today !!!!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

TOW da pace of life

It was just yesterday when I was celebrating New yr 06 with my friends at Columbia, nd not far, is what we are going to celebrate NEW YR 07 !!!!!!!

Today I was wondering as to how fast this clock ticks. It really does. It was only until yesterday that I was back there in India working with TCS, living at home with family, going to Colg, njoying school life. Nd here I find myself nearly completing my Master's degree at US. I really wonder how time flies offff.

So many things occurred, so many things changed, so many are about to change and many more are lurking in the dark ....waiting for their opportune moment.

Current Mood: Fascinated
Current Song: Californication ( by RedHotChillPeppers) --amazing song--try it..

Friday, November 03, 2006

JOB front :D

Well, after a 1.5 yr long journey, finally Master's course is coming to an end, hopefully .....fruitful end !!!!! Job hunt is on top of my mind and am working/preparing for the interviews and going through hell lot of things. Too many things to do in very short span of time. But to be frank I am having a great time.

During the entire course work, I had never been so busy. I just cruised though it as if it was my 12 th grade exam. I was never ever serious towards my course and just had to finish it somehow. I always had this urge to do something BIG in life but then I had really lost the streak and was going low on self esteem. I was kinda having this feeling that somehow I have lost "THE THING"., until recently. I have started working a bit more towards my interviews. Giving that extra effort to make it up for the lost confidence. No kidding, its paying me back.

I believe I am getting that confidence back and I wish that this phase continues for the time to come. I really want to thank my dad again for boosting my confidence when I was going low on all counts!!!! I also wish to thank my few old friends who helped me get back to my normal self. Three cheers....yu rock people .

With all this and many more issues, one most imp thing is that,

TODAY I GOT MY FIRST OFFER LETTER (leaving TCS offer post BE) Master's program.
Got two more interviews scheduled today..

I need luck and wishes to clear them all ..

Thank you all for being thr.