Thursday, January 11, 2007

Unfortunately I dint really receive ny more comments after those three worthy ones !!! But anyways, I did my best and observed my behaviour and yeah I could see that there was a tinch of truth in what all those three lines said.

So m workin on it :)

Other than that...India stay rocks. Its like gettin up at 8-9 AM...breakfast...this time not that usual buns/eggs/cereals stuff but something that my mom cooks so every morning is basically a Very good morning...

I met like hundreds of friends this time....Harshi's marraige was fun ..infact tooo much fun..met so many frnds thr and then met few more people. Inshort had a grt time.

Well, now a days m spending(happily) more on International calls !!! Will elaborate on this soon ... :)

haha this post will surely win the prize for the most obscure post topic ..just digressing

Current Song: Hoton se chu lo tum
Current Mood: Jolly

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Some worthy comments

It has been really long time since some one actually pointed out -ves my personality in general. Nd I totally and completely agreed to what the comments said..

First and foremost : I have become Egoistic :(
Second : I am emotional...(more than normal)
Third nd I really thot bout this: Egoistic and Emotinal together ...not a good combination :((

Fourth, fifth .....are awaited from the same person.
For now that is all that has been delivered.

I am not sure if the second one is a -ve one.
But first and third...well yeah.

Need to improve on that and I will give it a shot.

Starting today.

Thanks yaar :)